Miami Dog Trainer’s Advice:

What Is Separation Anxiety?

Separation anxiety is a psychological condition where an animal experiences extreme anxiety and distress after being separated from a place or an individual which they have a strong emotional attachment to.


Signs of Anxiety in Dogs:

Common signs that indicate whether a dog has anxiety include: Excessive barking, whining, panting, salivating or shaking. Many dogs with high stress can become destructive and often go through great effort to break out of the room or crate that they are left in.

You can tell if your dog has major anxiety if they show these signs within a short time after being left alone.

Preventing and Decreasing Separation Anxiety:

dog with foodtoyProvide Enrichment – Mental stimulation is important because it keeps your pup busy which decreases boredom and allows them to loose focus on you being away. Food-dispensing toys, stuffed Kongs, and other types of enrichment will keep your dog happy while alone.

Practice Separations – Build your dog’s confidence slowly by practice of leaving the area for short increments. Begin by leaving and quickly returning often to reward your pup. As your dog becomes more comfortable, you will be able to lengthen the amount of time that you leave. While training your dog, it is important to remember to only return to the room once they are calm.

Exercise – Physical stimulation is not only enriching for our dog, but it also allows an outlet for excess energy and decreases agitation. Exercise alone won’t eliminate separation anxiety, but it can significantly reduce the intensity of your dog’s stress.

* If your dog shows extreme signs of separation anxiety, contact a dog trainer to help facilitate this training.